Monday, June 29, 2009

Private College Tuition Rises at Lowest Rate in 37 Years!

With families facing one of the worst economic crises in the nation’s history, private, nonprofit colleges and universities have responded with the smallest average increase in tuition and fees in 37 years, according to the final results of a recent survey of our members.

The 4.3 percent increase for 2009-10 is the smallest since 1972-73, when average tuition and fees at private institutions rose by the same rate. The increase is slightly higher than the 2008 Consumer Price Index of 3.8 percent. The figure is based on responses from 350 private, nonprofit colleges and universities.

The average increase in institutional student aid budgets for 2009-10 at these colleges is 9 percent. (This is the first year that we collected student aid figures from its member institutions as part of the annual tuition survey.) Over the past 10 years, the average annual increase in tuition and fees at private colleges has been 6 percent.

“To an unprecedented degree, students and families are concerned about affording the college of their choice,” said NAICU President David L. Warren. “Private colleges are committed to maintaining access for students from all backgrounds—especially in tough times.

“Private college and university budgets have been hit by dropping endowments, a reduction in charitable giving, and growing student financial need,” Warren said. “Nevertheless, they have made extraordinary efforts to keep students’ out-of-pocket costs as low as possible while protecting academic quality.

See our press release on the survey here.

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